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Instructions for Use

“Attention: before proceeding, please read the warnings with care”.
This is what we see on everything we buy and this manual is no different. In fact, before being able to work with Benelli, all new providers must acknowledge the notices in this manual, when reading and signing a “supply agreement”. This implies providers’ acceptance to operate in compliance with that stated in the agreement, using an agreed method, according to the Quality Procedures PQ 09.10.

In fact, according to the procedures implemented and formalised, providers are obliged to maintain and certify the adoption of quality control systems that can guarantee that the products and services supplied are compliant with purchase agreements and with Benelli specifications, both at production sites and along the whole procurement chain.

This concept of responsibility already expressed impacts Expected and Perceived Quality.

If the quality of a product or service is the measurement of how much this meets expectations, the effect will be continued comparison between expectations and perception.

Analysing the elements that intervene in this numerator/denominator relationship, is how we configure different types of Quality.

“Objective quality”, defined as a technical asset is to be considered as “De facto quality”, i.e., the correspondence between the scientific and the measurable parameters that can be found in the supply offered. “Subjective quality”, defined as a functional asset, refers to elements influenced by individual stakeholders involved in the process. They are elements linked to security, goodness, and communication, which are obviously difficult to measure since they reflect quality.

The more we tilt the elements that contribute to creating quality towards the areas of “de facto quality”, the better the perceived quality will be, and the easier it will be to achieve it, based on objective elements.

The tools that Benelli has devised over the last few years carry out this precise function and make the process “repeatable”. For this reason, they fully satisfy the path towards achieving excellent external provider status.

The project is moving in the direction of being able to supply tools to allow anyone with the requirements to be a provider, to achieve and maintain an excellent level of Quality.

This approach to collaboration makes it possible to establish (within your own organisation) a virtuous circle that in turn encourages a process of continued improvement, feeding into a relationship of mutual trust and consolidation of customer-provider links.

Instructions for Use